Thursday, July 31, 2014

Level Zero

After yesterday's workout an idea popped into my head, that it might be good to take a video of myself exercising. I thought that doing so would be beneficial, so I would know where my starting point was and have something to compare to later months. (I'm pretty much at Level 0, so anything will be an improvement on today!). I also wanted you to know that I'm for real; I am a normal person like anyone else who's trying to get healthy, and that this is my real body and I'm working with it! So today, while the girls were out playing with cousins, I moved some furniture around, set up the iPad, and just went for it.

Today's workout:

As fast as possible, do
25 squats
25 jumping jacks
25 burpees

Now, on paper this looks pretty easy, right!? WRONG! For me this was brutal. In the end I only did 1 full round and then upon starting the burpees in the second round, I called it quits and jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes instead. Burpees are SO hard for me and I am so bad at them. Haha!  But, I sure got my sweat on and that felt great! 

Also! Please don't judge; this video is NOT at all flattering.

So here is are my thought's when I played the video back:
  • I am WAY out of shape. It's a good thing there was music playing above the sound of the video, because I was huffing and puffing like nobody's business. And I can't believe how long it took me to realize how much I needed to make these lifestyle changes. 
  • I am so proud for being confident enough in myself to believe I can make change happen.
  • I need to buy proper work out clothes!! I think that this is probably what everyone is thinking. Amiright?
  • I need to squat down further.
  • I am going to feel so awesome in a couple months, five months, a year, when I can watch this video again and see how far I've come.
  • I am only going to get better!
Looking forward to tomorrow! 

1 comment:


    Burpees are THE WORST!! This video should help a bit, start off making the exercise more low impact, it will help you learn the proper technique as well, so that you aren't causing any lasting injury to yourself!
    Bring a fan into your workout space - it will a)help keep you cool and b)remind you to keep breathing!!! Super important!!
    You're doing great Jenny!! You've got such gumption being open & honest with those who support you and (speaking for myself) find you to be incredibly inspiring!! Cheering for you!!!
