I don't know what changed my mind about that. But I did, and I started again.
I am learning that unhealthy habits were formed over a lifetime and they are not going to go willingly. It's in my subconscious, really. I feel like if I'm not paying attention I'll munch and snack all day long, sit and watch TV for hours at night, stay up late, eat larger portions at dinner and then seconds and then dessert. I guess that's why I feel like I'm always thinking about my workouts, planning healthy meals in my head, wondering if I'm drinking enough water. Perhaps I'm afraid that if I stop and relax my mind I'll mindlessly eat a whole bag of chips, or whatever. In fact, the couple of weeks I was so gung-ho. All I could think about was what healthy choice I was going to make next, that I ended up a little burnt out. Making big changes is HARD and my old habits were/are not going to go willingly.
But I'm not going to give up.
In fact, I was stressed today and ate pizza tonight for supper. (Emotional eating is a horrible habit of mine.) Initially, I felt super bummed and thought that I am totally incapable of change. But then, I reminded myself that I am NOT DEFINED by my habits, because habits can change while I still remain me. I will always be Jenny.
I ALMOST went right to bed after tucking the girls in to sleep. It was getting dark even, but then I thought "Nope! I am going out!" So I asked Tanner to come with me as my bodyguard in the night and we headed down to Tanner's old high school track to do today's workout.
5 push-ups 10 squats 100 meter run 10 push-ups 15 squats 200 meter run 15 push-ups 20 squats 400 meter run After finishing two rounds complete 50 sit-ups.
But I'm not going to give up.
In fact, I was stressed today and ate pizza tonight for supper. (Emotional eating is a horrible habit of mine.) Initially, I felt super bummed and thought that I am totally incapable of change. But then, I reminded myself that I am NOT DEFINED by my habits, because habits can change while I still remain me. I will always be Jenny.
I ALMOST went right to bed after tucking the girls in to sleep. It was getting dark even, but then I thought "Nope! I am going out!" So I asked Tanner to come with me as my bodyguard in the night and we headed down to Tanner's old high school track to do today's workout.
5 push-ups 10 squats 100 meter run 10 push-ups 15 squats 200 meter run 15 push-ups 20 squats 400 meter run After finishing two rounds complete 50 sit-ups.
My bodyguard, Tanner. Isn't he handsome :)
So there.
I chose not to let poor choices and bad habits get me down. And I taught myself that it's never to late to make a healthy choice. With each choice and with each step, I KNOW it will get easier.
"Good habits, once established,
are just as hard to break as bad habits"
- Robert Puller
I sure hope he's right.
Inspirational Jenny! You can do anything!!