Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Take THAT Banana Split

I said no to this, today.

We had the missionaries over for supper,
and after the meal I headed into the kitchen to prepare dessert with my mother-in-law.
After making banana splits for the adults/kids, I started to mindlessly prepare my own.
Out of HABIT!
I stopped myself right away, and my MIL asked me if I was going to have one.



2 Rounds for Time:

25 squats
25 sit-ups
25 push-ups
10 burpees
25 back extensions (demo video here)
50 tick rocks (25 with weight in right hand first and then switch to the left for another 25)
20 lunges
50 step-ups (25 for the right and 25 for the left)
25 bicep curls
25 overhead press (demo video here)
25 thrusters (demo video here)

Malorie called this "a little bit of everything". I'd sure say so!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Weekend

I had a really great weekend that included a family trip to the big city. My husband, Tanner, won an award in a architectural design competition and to celebrate we went out to eat at his FAVOURITE restaurant, so he could eat his FAVOURITE burger. It was a really fun evening. Since the award Tanner won included a cash prize, we felt rich and indulged ourselves by ordering both an appetizer AND dessert. Gasp! We had a fun time and left feeling completely stuffed.

Even though my meal was "technically" a salad, it was fully loaded and probably had as many calories as Tanner's burger. (Okay, I just looked at their website because I was really curious what the actual calories were. My meal wasn't even close to Tanner's 1550 cal burger, but it was nearing 1000 calories. Ca-RAZY!) In the moment I was simply enjoying a dinner out with the fan-jam and having a good time, so I wasn't even thinking about calories. And, to be honest, it felt really good.

Last night, I thought that there was no way I could ever be totally perfect in my diet (who is?). I love food! I love to bake and cook. I love the sweet and the savoury. I love tasting new things. I love the feeling I get when I eat food that is rich with flavour. I am almost euphoric when it comes to eating good food (good tasting, that is).  So yeah, you can understand how difficult it is for me to restrict my diet some.

So, I'm going to try something new, and hopefully it works (TJ and Malorie do this, and it works pretty well for them). I will aim to eat perfectly during the week, while I allow myself more freedom to "cheat" on the weekends. This doesn't mean that I can go all crazy and eat whatever the heck I want. I'll keep it within reason, obviously. I'm going to try out this strategy for a few weeks and report back and let you how it goes. So far it has been going very well! ("So far" being a whole entire day. Ha!)

TODAY'S WORKOUT is split up into three parts:

FIRST do 3 rounds of:
- 10 pushups
- 20 bicep curls; I used a 15 lb weight
- 2 minutes of cardio (options: run, up/down stairs, stair switches, jump rope)

SECOND do 3 rounds of:
- 10 weighted goblet squats; I used a 15 lb weight (Demo video here.)
- 20 lunges (Demo video here.)

- 2 minutes of cardio

THIRD do 3 rounds of:
- 20 tick tocks with weight in left hand; I used a 15 lb weight, because we're buddy's now, you see. (Demo video here. Recognize that fitness model!?!? It's Mal!!)
- 20 tick rocks with weight in right hand
- 20 sit ups
- 2 minutes of cardio

This was a really awesome workout from Malorie. I loved it, and I hope that you create sometime today and try it out for yourself!

Friday, October 24, 2014

I Can't Control Everything

Currently, we are living with my in-laws while my husband completes a work term here. While I am so incredibly grateful for Tanner's parent's love and hospitality, I just have to say that it is so incredibly hard to eat healthy when there are bad food choices staring me right in the face.

My one HUGE weakness is cereal. Cereal is my ultimate go-to comfort food. For me, there is nothing so deliciously familiar as a bowl of fruit loops and cold milk. Which is why I NEVER BUY IT. I simply cannot trust myself to resist.

Even though I do contribute to grocery shopping and meals, I am not in control of everything that makes it's way into the cupboards and fridge. And because my in-laws are also grandparents, it makes them happy to buys fun cereals and treats for their grandkids.

Today, I ate two full bowls of sugary cereal.


When we move back to Halifax in December, it will be easier ( I hope).


For 30 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:
- 6 burpees (demo video here. I don't clap at the top, but I do add a little hop.)
- 20 sit-ups
- 20 hip thrusts (demo video here. Start watching at 00:49. I am not using weights currently.)
- 20 back extensions
- 20 squats

I had to take little breaks to catch my breath, but then got right back at it! I also had to really push myself to make sure I completed the full 30 minutes and managed to make it through 7 rounds, plus 3 extra burpees. I had an awful headache near the middle of the workout that continued/worsened throughout the workout; a painful reminder that I have not been drinking enough water today (and maybe a little too much cereal. Oops.)

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

For Me and My Family

A few years ago, only months after Lily was born, I was talking to a friend about health, fitness, and losing weight. I mentioned to her that I would really love to get into shape for my kids (who needed a mom with stamina) and for my husband (for whom I wanted to be an active-attractive wife). My friend didn't respond right away and just looked at me for a moment. Sounding more like an after thought, I quickly added that I wanted to do it for me, too, of course. She paused again and then wisely said "I sure do wish you had said yourself first."

I knew then and there that I was putting myself behind others and my perception was all out of whack. This friend made me realize that guilting myself into shape was never going to work, nor would it be healthy. I should eat healthy, exercise and lose weight for myself, because I LOVE MYSELF. In turn, my family would also be blessed, but as a by-product.

I love that I am gaining the strength and stamina to really play with my children. I can run with them, chase them, carry them, bath them, and feed them; all without feeling totally exhausted. I feel confident (and sexy) around my husband. I am happy more and less stressed out. I'm realizing that being healthy is not just about losing weight; it's about gaining the energy and physical/mental capacity to simply be a person! Realizing this has been so empowering for me; thinking about how much more I will be able to do as I lose this weight.

AS FOR TODAY, I woke up feeling pretty darn sore from yesterday's push-ups, but it's a good sore (if you can imagine it). This afternoon I took my two oldest girls to Bower Ponds where we ran to the playground. I love watching my girls run; I love that they love to run. I love that I can run with them and actually keep up. They may only be 3 and 4, but they are fast! Afterwards we picked up some ice-cream for them as well as some to drop off as a surprise at Tanner's work. I didn't get any ice-cream for myself, but I did collect a small "Mom Tax" on each of their ice cream treats :)

For today's workout, Malorie sent me a routine that focuses on strengthening your core. Because of my back injury last week, Mal thinks that I should focus on these types of core exercises to prevent future injuries. I started out with a 1 mile run and then followed it up with 4 ROUNDS OF:

- 25 full sit-ups
- 25 crunches
- 25 knee raises (demo video here)
- 25 back extensions (demo video here)
- 30 second plank (demo video here)
- 15 second right side plank
- 15 second left side plank

This was a tough workout, but totally doable. I am pretty weak at planks, so when I felt I had to break the plank I would go to my knees for a few seconds and then bring it right back up to full plank. Right now I can only plank for about 20 seconds before I go down to my knees. My goal is to work towards a full minute plank.

Thanks again for following along!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Evidence of Improvement

I weighed myself this morning, because after a month of being off track I was curious to see where I was at.


Not bad. I was at this weight near the end of September, so I'm happy to find out that my far-less-than-perfect-month didn't bring back pounds I had worked hard to lose. Thank goodness. 

A new day. A new start. 

I took the girls with me over to my parents house this afternoon. I do this pretty much every Wednesday because two of my nieces are there on those days and all the girls get to play together. My parents have a treadmill that I plan on using each time I visit, because it is very convenient to have when it comes to interval training that includes running. I decided yesterday that I was going to do the same workout that I did on July 15. It was a week before I even started thinking about The Last 100lbs, and I had just read this blog post where my sister-in-law Malorie posted a workout. Here was the suggested workout:

As fast as possible, complete five rounds of the following:
25 squats
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
400 meter run

"Looks easy enough. I know how to do all those things."

I was so naive. 

That day in July I managed to get through ONLY 2 ROUNDS of the workout, before I felt like collapsing on the couch. I was out of shape. And the feeling of only being able to complete 2 rounds made me realize it. It was a wake-up call. 

Two weeks later I started this challenge and this blog, and on July 29th I did this same workout again. I set up a timer, pushed myself as hard as I could go, and managed to make it through 3 complete rounds in 18:53.  I called it "Day 1". This was my starting point. 

Well, today I did this workout again, and after three rounds I looked at the clock to see that I had done them in 15:12. I couldn't believe it!! And more than that, I went on to complete another entire round! Booya! 

I am sitting here tonight, feeling strong and incredibly proud of my body, getting excited for tomorrow. 

"I'm on a roller-coaster that only goes up." (from The Fault in Our Stars, which I read in a day last week while I was in bed with back pain. Loved it. Loved the movie, too.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone


It really sucked and it hurt and I felt like the biggest bum of a mom/wife for several days. I felt old and tired and weak. I'll say it again, it sucked. I let my emotions and my pain get the better of me and I drowned myself in cookies and bowls full of ice cream and pie. What can I say? I'm an emotional eater. Should I be allowed to make that my excuse? Probably not, but I did anyway. (But, to be honest, this entire month so far has been a total flop, even without the excuse of a back injury.)

It wasn't until today, when the pain in my back started to subside, that I realized how grateful I am for my body. It is a wonderful thing and I should always make taking good care of it my top priority. I do not want a life of pain that was caused by my unwillingness to live a healthy life. 

In other news, today I am feeling pretty awesome.

I am planning on working out this morning (first one in over a week). But I'll keep it simple and sweet and back friendly. Not sure what that will look like, as I feel like the back is engaged in everything the body does. Maybe I'll just go for a run. Sounds like the safest thing, right now.

ALSO! What would you all say if I was thinking about blogging everyday? This would mean I would go from lengthier/deeper content posts that come once a week (if that), to regular but short updates on what's up in my life; keeping the blog more like a health journal. I feel the later will greatly benefit me. The more accountable I am, the more success I believe I will find. What can I say? I'm selfish. Ha! And no one can underestimate the power of record keeping.

Anyways, that is all I wanted to say :)

End post.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Run Runner Run

I ran a 5k on the weekend!

I was sick all last week with strep throat, so I spent most days lying around the house or in bed and zero time running or exercising. So, yeah, I was a little nervous about going through with running my planned 5k on Saturday. Saturday morning, I woke up feeling healthy and up for the challenge. Yay! But then driving up to the meet-up spot before the run I started getting butterflies in my stomach! It took me by surprise to find out that I was actually nervous about the run. But I don't think I was nervous about the run itself (I knew that I was ready and could do it), but rather, nervous because it would be the first time that I have run with someone else! I was certain that the only person running it with me would be my sister-in-law, Brooklyn. She is such an awesome friend and so sweet, but still, I was nervous. I mean, what if I would feel like I want to impress her, push myself, forget about pacing, and end up overexerting myself? What if I don't push myself hard enough? What if she is way faster than me and I fall way way behind, or make her feel like she needs to run with me?

Brooklyn showed up and we started our run. I soon realized I was needlessly nervous. Brooklyn was there for both herself and for me, and together we kept a good pace. There were a couple times I had to slow down to a walk (my leg kept cramping up), and Brooklyn was kind enough to slow herself down to a trot to stay with me. How sweet :) It was a beautiful evening for a run. 

Brooklyn was able to sprint ahead for the last few hundred meters (she's amazing like that) while I kept a good pace all the way to the finish line. 

MY TIME: 35 minutes 11 seconds! and I am pretty darn satisfied with that.

While we stretched, Brooklyn and I talked about how we both feel that our bodies are capable of so much more than we think possible. We just need to believe in ourselves, set goals, and do the work. We also agreed that it is so much more fun and motivating when you have someone doing it with you. Amiright!? 

I am already looking forward to getting in another 5k before the snow hits. 

AND THEN, Monday night I realized I hadn't timed my mile run to see if there was any improvement, so I raced over to the track as soon as Tanner got home from work. Again, I got butterflies in my stomach. (Weird, eh?) ALSO, when I started my run I noticed that there was a person laying on the grass beside the track, but as I ran closer I noticed that that one person was in fact two teenagers TOTALLY MAKING OUT! Like, rolling-all-over-the-place making out. I had to run past them four times and they DIDN'T STOP! Dear, me. 

Anyways . . . my run was awesome and I improved my time from the beginning of the month by 1 minute and 13 seconds! Going from 11:40 to 10:27 in only a month! I am continually amazed by my body and it gets me excited for what lies ahead as I continue on this path to fitness.  

(Sorry, no PDA picture. HA!)