Today's workout:
As fast as possible, do
25 squats
25 jumping jacks
25 burpees
Now, on paper this looks pretty easy, right!? WRONG! For me this was brutal. In the end I only did 1 full round and then upon starting the burpees in the second round, I called it quits and jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes instead. Burpees are SO hard for me and I am so bad at them. Haha! But, I sure got my sweat on and that felt great!
Also! Please don't judge; this video is NOT at all flattering.
So here is are my thought's when I played the video back:
- I am WAY out of shape. It's a good thing there was music playing above the sound of the video, because I was huffing and puffing like nobody's business. And I can't believe how long it took me to realize how much I needed to make these lifestyle changes.
- I am so proud for being confident enough in myself to believe I can make change happen.
- I need to buy proper work out clothes!! I think that this is probably what everyone is thinking. Amiright?
- I need to squat down further.
- I am going to feel so awesome in a couple months, five months, a year, when I can watch this video again and see how far I've come.
- I am only going to get better!
Looking forward to tomorrow!