Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Run Runner Run

I ran a 5k on the weekend!

I was sick all last week with strep throat, so I spent most days lying around the house or in bed and zero time running or exercising. So, yeah, I was a little nervous about going through with running my planned 5k on Saturday. Saturday morning, I woke up feeling healthy and up for the challenge. Yay! But then driving up to the meet-up spot before the run I started getting butterflies in my stomach! It took me by surprise to find out that I was actually nervous about the run. But I don't think I was nervous about the run itself (I knew that I was ready and could do it), but rather, nervous because it would be the first time that I have run with someone else! I was certain that the only person running it with me would be my sister-in-law, Brooklyn. She is such an awesome friend and so sweet, but still, I was nervous. I mean, what if I would feel like I want to impress her, push myself, forget about pacing, and end up overexerting myself? What if I don't push myself hard enough? What if she is way faster than me and I fall way way behind, or make her feel like she needs to run with me?

Brooklyn showed up and we started our run. I soon realized I was needlessly nervous. Brooklyn was there for both herself and for me, and together we kept a good pace. There were a couple times I had to slow down to a walk (my leg kept cramping up), and Brooklyn was kind enough to slow herself down to a trot to stay with me. How sweet :) It was a beautiful evening for a run. 

Brooklyn was able to sprint ahead for the last few hundred meters (she's amazing like that) while I kept a good pace all the way to the finish line. 

MY TIME: 35 minutes 11 seconds! and I am pretty darn satisfied with that.

While we stretched, Brooklyn and I talked about how we both feel that our bodies are capable of so much more than we think possible. We just need to believe in ourselves, set goals, and do the work. We also agreed that it is so much more fun and motivating when you have someone doing it with you. Amiright!? 

I am already looking forward to getting in another 5k before the snow hits. 

AND THEN, Monday night I realized I hadn't timed my mile run to see if there was any improvement, so I raced over to the track as soon as Tanner got home from work. Again, I got butterflies in my stomach. (Weird, eh?) ALSO, when I started my run I noticed that there was a person laying on the grass beside the track, but as I ran closer I noticed that that one person was in fact two teenagers TOTALLY MAKING OUT! Like, rolling-all-over-the-place making out. I had to run past them four times and they DIDN'T STOP! Dear, me. 

Anyways . . . my run was awesome and I improved my time from the beginning of the month by 1 minute and 13 seconds! Going from 11:40 to 10:27 in only a month! I am continually amazed by my body and it gets me excited for what lies ahead as I continue on this path to fitness.  

(Sorry, no PDA picture. HA!)

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